
Whether you are new to Buddhism or a long-term practitioner, we hope you will find something in the resources below that will educate, motivate, expand your awareness or simply entertain.


Tricycle: The Buddhist Review was launched in 1991 and was the first magazine intended to present Buddhist perspectives to a Western readership. Tricycle soon became the leading independent journal of Buddhism in the West, where it continues to be the most inclusive and widely read vehicle for the dissemination of Buddhist views and values. 

Not just a magazine! With a subscription you get 4 issues a year, PLUS a dharma talk video every month, PLUS a new film each month.

Lion’s Roar is an independent, bimonthly magazine that offers a nonsectarian view of “Buddhism, Culture, Meditation, and Life.” Presented are teachings from the Buddhist and other contemplative traditions, with an emphasis on applying the principles of mindfulness and awareness practices to everyday life.

Available in print or digital formats.

Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly is a Buddhist journal presenting articles on Buddhist teachings and practice, with contributions from all Buddhist meditative traditions.


Many of these websites will have multi-media options. They will have content on the site, but may also offer a “Subscribe” button to receive a free newsletter periodically. They may include links to podcasts or an audio or video dharma talk. You may find news of upcoming programs, online or residential retreats.    

Menla: Tibet in the Catskills –

Pema Chodron Foundation –

Tergar Meditation Community (Mingyur Rinpoche) –

Tara Brach – Meditation, Emotional Healing & Spiritual Awakening –

Upaya Zen Center (Joan Halifax) – Daily meditation and weekly dharma talks –

Dharmata Foundation (Anam Thubten) –

YouTube Videos

These Buddhist teachers and spiritual leaders have been recommended as favorites of our Florida Keys Tara Mandala Sangha members. Simply go to YouTube and type their name into the search line to find a plethora of meditations and teachings on every subject imaginable, all of which will expand your practice and awareness. If you like what you see, you may click the  “Subscribe” button.

Lama Live! with Lama Tsultrim Allione

Watch Live every Sunday at 9 am Pacific time on Facebook. You do not need a Facebook account. Just type “Lama Tsultrim Allione” in the Search line OR Watch the recordings of all episodes on YouTube. A very moving episode with Magyu Lopon Charlotte Rotterdam can be found at:

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo – Read her biography, Cave in the Snow, by Vicki MacKenzie or see the film by the same name on YouTube.  Her 4-part video teaching entitled, “The Four Dharmas of Gampopa” can be found with this link:

Tara Brach

Meditation, Psychologist, Author and Teacher. Once a week dharma talks. “Learning to Respond, Not React” is here:

Cultivating a Courageous Heart- Part I” :


Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (Ligmincha International)

Teachings, transmissions, and practices of the Bon Buddhist tradition. “Being the Mirror, Not the Reflection” is here:

Pema Chodron (Pema Chodron Foundation)

Pema Chodron needs no introduction!

Here is a link to a full-length lecture on Pain and Compassion:

Anam Thubten (Dharmata Foundation)

Anam Thubten grew up in Tibet and at an early age began to practice in the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

On Emptiness: With Anam Thubten and Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel”:

Meditation Apps

Best Overall:  Calm

Best Budget:  Insight Timer

Best for Sleep:  Headspace: Meditation & Sleep

Best for Beginners:  Ten Percent Happier Meditation

Best Guided:  Buddhify

Best for Focus:  Unplug

Best Selection:  Simple Habit


Tara Brach

DharmaSeed – Theravada Buddhism

Insight Hour Podcast – Joseph Goldstein; Vipassana

AudioDharma – Gil Fronsdal/Insight Meditation Center

Heart Wisdom Podcast – Jack Kornfield

Ten Percent Happier – Dan Harris

Facebook Pages

Lama Tsultrim Allione

Go here to find Lama Live! Sundays 9 am Pacific Time and/or to see Lama’s daily posts.

Tara Mandala International Buddhist Community

Find out what’s going on at Tara Mandala Retreat Center in Colorado; online and residential retreats, new courses, videos to see ongoing restoration work and much more.

Tara Mandala Key West Buddhist Sangha

Find out what’s going on with YOUR Sangha community, news of Buddhist leaders around the world, Buddhist holiday celebrations or perhaps an inspirational quote to get your day started.


Ellen Booth Church 

See what our multi-talented teacher does when she is not leading us in meditation, practice or giving us a dharma talk. Ellen loves life, it loves her right back and she shares all of it with us!

Books by Lama Tsultrim Allione

Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine

Women of Wisdom

Feeding Your Demons: Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict

The Empowered Feminine

Befriending Your Demons

Other Sangha Favorites

Lotus Girl –  Helen Tworkov  (Founder & 1st Editor of Tricycle Magazine)

Cave in the Snow  –  Vicki Mackenzie

Old Path White Clouds –  Thich Nhat Hanh

The Wakeful Body  –  Willa Blythe Baker


Look for free full length videos on YouTube first, then on whatever streaming platform you use.

Seven Years in Tibet

My Reincarnation


Unmistaken Child