Florida Keys Tara Mandala

Our Sangha

Our Sangha is based in Key West. Our local members are from all of the Florida Keys and includes our satellite sangha in Marathon, Florida. Since we have become a “Zoom only” sangha, we now have members who meet with us weekly from all over the world.

Our Teachers

Lama Tsultrim Allione

Lopön Ellen Booth Church

Lama Tsultrim Allione, a former Tibetan Buddhist nun (ordained in 1970 by the 16th Karmapa), is the author of Women of Wisdom and Feeding Your Demons: Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict, a process for connecting the knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism with the modern psyche, addressing major cultural issues and the roots of suffering.  She has been teaching internationally for more than 30 years and is the founder of Tara Mandala, a retreat center in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. As the emanation of Machig Labron, she is considered a profound and lucid teacher, bringing together psychological and spiritual insights.  In 2009 she was awarded the prestigious international Outstanding Woman in Buddhism Award.

More about Lama Tsultrim here:  https://www.keywesttaramandala.org/lama-tsultrim-allione/

Also known as Yeshe Choepel, Ellen is a 31 -year practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhist teacher, meditation coach, former board member of Tara Mandala and an accomplished educator and author.  She has created three satillite Sanghas in Florida (Key West, Gainesville and Marathon) for her teacher, Lama Tsultrim Allione and provides teachings worldwide.     

Please contact Ellen with any questions you might have about the teachings and meditation practices at:  kwtaramandala@aol.com                        
